Monday, July 16, 2012

When Im Not Workin....

Some of my recent outdoor excursions.
Helps keep me sane, and a chance to slow down sometimes.

heres my first day out spearing with my homemade hawian sling

Michaeys stringer, caught on rod n reel in the blanco. And another days spearin

Pedernales river, Dripping Springs, hiking to Hammilton pool

Little Bub exploring, Huaco Springs.           Breakfast n Coffee, hiking Enchanted Rock

Me and my brother Per went spearing agian

Me n Michaey at the top of Enchanted Rock, Fredricksburg

 Havin a Blast!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

JDs First Tattoo

JDs my apprentice up here at Bubbas Family Tattoo Parlour. Been keepin him busy drawing, tracing stencils, cleaning, sterilizing, setting up/breakin name it, hes doin it.  And doin a good job.

Heres some of his drawings from this week.

So, I figured it was about time to let him give it a shot. His practice definatley paid off! those were the cleanest lines ive ever seen a first-timer pull. Good job dude.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rattpiss Published in The Horse BC!

Finnaly got my hands on the july-august issue! My buddy has a subscription and sent me a pic last week, but hadnt seen it in person. Been checking the newstands all week waiting for the new issues to show up.  Well last night it was finaly there. Kind of a big deal for me. Ive read every issue since
#50-something....never thought id see my bike in there!  Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen and THBC for being so rad!